Stephen Riggs
email marketing
Stephen Riggs
Seattle, WA 98101

  Email marketing strategist who builds brand awareness and engagement through targeted campaigns and ongoing optimization. Writes well. Edits elegantly. Gets tech. Liked by peers, clients, and even jaded journalists.
"His passion for quality, knowledge about email marketing, and overall professional skills have contributed significantly to our success in email marketing and technical leadership."
"Stephen has been an enormous help to us all and absolutely essential to our success."
"You're a Rock Star, but you're not Superman! Are you? …"
  Email campaign planning, configuration, execution
  Writing, editing, and QA (AP, MSTP, Chicago Manual of Style)
  Editorial calendars and segmentation strategies
  A/B testing, reporting, optimization
  List management, hygiene, CAN-SPAM compliance
  HTML/CSS/SQL coding
  ExactTarget - Power User
  Dreamweaver, HomeSite, Microsoft Expression Web
  Access, Excel, Word, Outlook, SharePoint
  Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  MS Internal - Data Management Console (DMC), MIP, RegSys, InfoWeb, Arsenal, Bugger / Product Studio
  MRM Worldwide–McCann Erickson (part of McCann Worldgroup / IPG)
Content Strategist, Email Marketing Seattle, WA
  Primary clients: Microsoft IW, Windows Client, SMS&P, SMB, Microsoft Dynamics

Plan and execute end-to-end email marketing campaigns, delivering insights on customer acquisition, targeting strategies, and tracking mechanisms to maximize program success. Write content for email, the web, and banner ads. Copyedit and QA digital and print deliverables.
  Created a new agency revenue stream mastering proprietary email and list-management tools to build an email marketing business that supported three full-time employees.
  Enabled quick-turn, precise execution of email campaigns (promotional, transactional, and subscription-based) through training and QA processes.
  Consistently achieve response rates in excess of Microsoft averages.
  Consulted as an email subject-matter expert on Microsoft's move from proprietary email marketing tools to a custom solution from ExactTarget, offering insights on customer data rules, measurement, and overall usability.
  Retained all our Microsoft newsletter business through a complex transition from the company's in-house newsletter system to the newly configured ExactTarget solution.
  Counted on for strategic and editorial review of all agency RFPs and RFIs.
  Pacific Northwest Marketing (sole-proprietor content and PR agency)
Principal Seattle, WA
  Generated and edited marketing materials and web content for PR agencies and high-tech organizations. Continued partnership with several former clients whose complex technologies demanded an insider's perspective and clearly crafted communications.
  ArrayComm (privately held wireless technology company)
Marketing Communications Manager San Jose, CA
  Oversaw ongoing press release program, creating news roadmap and helping set strategies for individual releases. Wrote releases, white papers, investor updates, web content, and other collateral, as needed. Fielded all media inquiries. Directed organizational speakers bureau, negotiating opportunities for corporate executives and evaluating invitations.
  Rolling Thunder Marketing (privately held high-tech PR agency)
Editorial Director/Account Manager Kirkland, WA
  Primary clients: Sierra Wireless, ImproveNet

Ultimate editorial oversight for a 30-person, high-tech PR firm, overseeing writers, editing copy, writing mission-critical press releases, and serving as the agency's in-house authority on grammar and style. Planned and directed execution of PR strategies for clients, managing account staff, serving as primary point of client contact, and tracking budgets and results.
  The University of Texas Austin, TX
  Bachelor of Journalism, July 1998
  President of the Alan Scott Chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America
  PR internships and marketing positions at AMD, 3M, and IBM
  Web designer for Cox Interactive Media and UT Athletics Department
  San Jacinto College Pasadena, TX
  Editor of campus newspaper, The Texian, which earned the college's first Pacemaker in 25 years
  Individual honors for news writing and editorials
  Top-3 statewide finishes in collegiate debate, impromptu, and extemporaneous speaking
  Newsletter author for Marty Cooper, the Father of the Cellular Telephone
  Dance student of Frankie Manning, the Father of Lindy Hop
  Beta tester for Richard Garriott, aka Lord British, the Father of the Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game
  Love Lindy Hop, backpacking, photography, spades, Scrabble, and EA Games
© 2002-2011, Stephen Riggs