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Microsoft Office
Get the Windows Vista with Service Pack 1
Desktop Deployment and Evaluation Kit . Arrow
Now that you've taken Windows Vista for a spin, take it even further. Register for your copy of the Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 Desktop Deployment and Evaluation Kit. Designed to help guide you through the planning and management of your deployment process, this kit contains:
  • A DVD with an evaluation copy of Windows Vista Ultimate with SP1.
  • A 180-day trial version of Microsoft Office Professional 2007.
  • A resource disk with guidance tools for a successful migration.
With the release of Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows Vista offers improved security, increased reliability, and enhanced performance. You'll also find that it can help reduce the costs of managing and operating your desktop environment. And as your business continues to grow, Windows Vista with SP1 provides the flexibility and scalability you need to gain a competitive advantage.

Download Now

Enjoy the perfect balance of enhanced security, faster performance, and better reliability with Windows Vista SP1. Register for the Windows Vista with SP1 Desktop Deployment and Evaluation Kit.


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